TestInfo tests android phones, tablets and similar devices, shows information about the device. With the stress test, you can test the device for a long time and you can see the lock status.
Stress test, screen color test, touch test, sensor test, internet connection test, camera & light test, mmc reading writing speed test, microphone test, soundcheck test.
Device information:
Imei, Phone Number, Brand, Manufacturer, Product, Device, Model, OS Release, Device Class, Board, Serial, Hardware, CPU ABI, CPU count, CPU Temperature, Total Memory Size, Usb disk free space, usb disk free space, usb disk free space, usb disk free space, usb disk free space Size, Battery Voltage, Battery Capacity, Uptime, Operator, Operator name, Operator Country, SIM operator, SIM serial, Subscriber , Bootloader, Country ISO, Currency String, Time Zone Abbreviation, OS Incremental, OS Java VM SDK, ID, MMS url, MMS, Voice mail number, Voice mail tag, Fingerprint, Host, , Exter Storage, Usb Disk, Usb CdR Om, Get Volume Paths.